Mindful Mornings Colorado Springs
one year celebration talk was themed around Vulnerability. A personal story featuring Secret Stash Yoga's founder; Katherine 'Kitty' Harris.

Kitty had the amazing opportunity to share more about her passion of art, yoga and cannabis with the community of Colorado Springs at the SCP Hotel. Standing in front of this crowd for the one year celebration of Mindful Morning Forums, she shared pieces of her personal story and how she exhibited certain moments of vulnerability along the way, that where met with mixed emotions but ultimately assisted her navigating to where she is now and thus, how Secret Stash Yoga has came to be!
By following her passion she has been able to share in her knowledge and love of cannabis, art, yoga and how it is a inspiring thing to stand in our own light and follow your own voice. Kitty pursues her business in hopes of attracting like-minded people you are interested in growth and challenging the status quo.
Mindful Morning Colorado Springs
events are held on the First Friday of every month!
Themes are announced and change monthly as well as the speakers. Presenters are a surprise and not shared with the public till day of the event. Each speaker has 25-30 minutes to share their personal story related to that months theme, followed by Q&A.
Be sure to follow the links and head over to their page and register for the next event!

Secret Stash Yoga website and reach out today. She is open and pursuing more speaking events, panels, special guest, and workshop style events, podcast, blogs, magazine interviews, etc. where she has the opportunity to share her insight and connect those to all things plant, body and soul.
Be sure to follow all the latest on Social Media:
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