The Boston Globe Journalist takes a Secret Stash Yoga Class!
Check out the conversation that Secret Stash Yoga was included in regarding social cannabis consumption lounges that host businesses like cannabis enhanced yoga, plus the impact these cannabis friendly lounges are making on the community of Colorado and how other states are looking to this example as they navigate through their own cannabis state laws and policies arising with
Here is a sneak peak of the article The Boston Globe journalist Naomi Martin included from her visit to Colorado, follow the photo linked below to read the full article!
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Photo: The Boston Globe News Paper |
“We got bongs, pipes, papers, dab rigs, whatever you want,” founder Katherine “Kitty” Harris said one recent morning, as skunky pot smoke and instrumental spa music filled the room. With class in session, regulars passed joints around, then sat silently on yoga mats, breathing slowly and deeply, before entering their next pose.
The class’s Zen vibe belies the years of legal wrangling and political lobbying it took to get here. Studio A64, where the class is held several times a week, is among at least a dozen cannabis cafes in Colorado, a number poised to explode in January, when a new state law will allow marijuana retailers to offer “tasting rooms” for customers to consume their edibles, joints, and other products. Until the law takes effect, the current spots can’t sell pot — they are BYOC, or “bring your own cannabis.”
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Founder of Secret Stash Yoga
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